Is Your Home Ready for Fall and Winter?


Homeowners everywhere need to change their home maintenance as the seasons change, especially in a city of extremes like Chicago. We’ve compiled a list of projects that need to be taken care of this summer so you’re ready when autumn and winter roll around. 


Program thermostat

Thermostats should be set to automatically maintain a temperature of around 70 degrees when you’re home, and 65 degrees when you’re away or asleep. If you don’t have an automatic thermostat, think about investing in one. It will save you money on energy bills in the long run.

Check for drafts and leaks

Though you might not notice it during the summer, your home could be letting cool air out and hot air in. Check around your windows and doorways for drafts of air. If you can’t feel a draft with the back of your hand, an easy solution is to use a lighter. Hold the flame close to the window or door and notice which way the fame is drawn. If it is sucked toward the door or window or being pushed away, that means you have a hole that needs to be filled.

Most drafts can be fixed with caulk. But drafty doorframes are more difficult to fix because they need to swing open and shut. Call Bauer Construction to see what we can do for you.

Complete interior painting

If there’s a room you’ve been meaning to paint, the time to do it is now. Don’t wait until October or November when the weather is cold and wet. For interior paint to dry, you’ll need to keep windows open. That’s why it’s best to do it during the summer months.

Check for peeling paint

Check the exterior of your home for peeling or blistering paint. Peeling and blistering paint can no longer protect the siding of your home and needs to be corrected. If you wait too long, you could suffer from expensive water damage. If you do need to repaint your exterior, the summer or early fall is the time to do it!

Cut back tree limbs

Those tree limbs that are approaching the side of your house and windows could turn into a real problem. They need to be trimmed back or they could damage your home. Doing this in the summer months will be far simpler and more enjoyable during the summer than winter or fall.

Remove dead and dying tree branches around house

Dead or dying tree branches near your home are accidents waiting to happen. If they’re dead or dying now, during the summer, they’re most likely going to fall during the fall as temperature drop, or during winter when weighed down with snow. Nip the problem in the bud by getting them down sooner rather than later.

Fertilize lawn


Most people think that lawn care is just for the summer months. But as temperatures drop during fall, grass roots burrow down deeper into the soil in search of water and nutrients. Make sure to fertilize your grass at least once during late summer early fall.

Check exterior walls and roof for damage

Roofing takes a beating, especially during the fall and winter. Better to fix a small problem before it escalates into a bigger one. You’ll also pay considerably less having your roof or exterior walls fixed during the summer than during winter or fall.

This should keep you busy for the rest of the summer, but if you’ve got any other needs you don’t want to tackle yourself, come to Bauer Construction. We do everything from handyman work to complete restorations and renovations. Call 847-553-5331 and ask for Jeff or shoot us an email and

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