Fire Restoration

Fire Damage Restoration

Has your home or commercial real estate been damaged as the result of a fire? Bauer construction is a leading provider of fire restoration services specially designed to deal with the specific damages associated with smoke, heat, fire, and moisture.Fire Damage Restoration

Fire can cause not only aesthetic damage to a building or house, but also result in structural issues that need to be properly addressed by a professional that is trained to diagnose the integrity of studs, plates, beams, and braces. In some cases it may be necessary to remove and replace these elements to ensure the safety of yourself, your family, or your employees.

Fire Damage Repair

Smoke can also be particularly difficult to deal with and different residues associated with soot can penetrate a building. It is not uncommon for smoke to cause damage or odors that are hidden to an untrained eye, but a professional from Bauer Construction can isolate these issues and properly clean and restore areas affected by smoke.

There are several types of smoke and soot that can result in issues that need to be addressed. These types of smoke and residues include:

  • Residue from Wet Smoke – When fires occur it is not uncommon for areas to experience low-heat smoldering, resulting in sticky residues or smoke webs that can produce strong odors.
  • Residue from Dry Smoke – Fires that burn hot and fast result in particulates that can stay within the home and affect breathing.
  • Residue from Protein – These residues are especially pungent, but almost completely invisible and can cause the discoloration of paint and varnishes.Smoke Damage

Proper cleanup is also required for the chemicals used to extinguish fires. Even when water is used to put out a fire it is possible that mold could grow in areas that see an extensive amount of water and this must be addressed in proper fire restoration.

We will make sure that all areas of your home, office, or store receive proper inspection and treatment so that you can return to normal after the devastating experience of a fire.

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